Last Month's Self Assignment Winners
Last month's self assignment was to capture images of Americana.
Evidently one of the requirements for winning this month was that you had
to be named Steve!
On a more serious note we received numerous images that touched on the
tragedies of 9-11 and some made it onto this page. While some may argue
that they are not in fact Americana, these images have become part of the
fabric that makes up our country.
We want to congratulate both the winners and all those who
participated. Thanks to our sponsor, FujiFilm, the winner receives 20
rolls of the Fuji professional film of their choice. The runners-up
receive 10 rolls of the Fuji professional film of their choice.
Winners are notified by email.
Winner, '46 Chevy truck in barn, Stephen Glover "I
was traveling in the country when I passed a dilapidated barn and
noticed within the barn this wonderful old truck. On a whim I
stopped by, knocked on the door, and asked the gentleman if I could
photograph it. I had a blast shooting his '46 Chevy truck. I thought
this image reflected a solid bit of Americana. The skull on the wall
harkens back to the old west, the dilapidated barn reflects the
heritage of farms, the truck is the workhorse of the farm, and the
fact that this one is broken down shows the work that is has done
warranting its time for rest."
Stephen used his F100 and 28-70mm Nikkor lens to capture the
original color image onto Kodak Gold 200 film. The negative was
scanned using an HP Photosmart S20 scanner. The image was converted
to 16-bit gray scale, cropped, and Stephen "worked a little
with the levels." to achieve the final result. |
World Trade Center with Flag, Steve Hirsch
"I had an office on the 78th floor of the World Trade Center
from 1989 - 1992. Sometime during that period I made a photo of the
twin towers toward sundown. I didn't think about the photo until
September 11, 2001. I found the slide and combined it with another
"new" photo of an American flag to create the image I am
submitting for this months contest. The power of the towers is
merged with the majesty of our flag to create an Americana scene
that now has special meaning to many of us..."
Nikon F5 brand and Nikon 75-300mm on Provia 100F. Scanned with a
Nikon LS 2000. "Using Photoshop I combined the shot of the
World Trade Center towers with another shot of an American flag. I
then "erased" the flag with about 25% opacity to reveal
the Trade Center towers in a layer below the flag." |
Barn Antiques, Stephen Voss "I saw this
old barn as I drove back from shooting in a swamp near my home. The
old signs seemed to say a lot about America to me, and looked like
relics from another time. I thought the icicles and snow also added
a sense of age to the whole scene."
Stephen captured the image with his Canon EOS-3 and Canon
28-135mm lens onto Kodak E100VS. The image was scanned with a Nikon
LS-4000. No manipulation was necessary. |
Honorable Mention
Stars & Stripes Vicki McLead "Taken at
a car show shortly after September 11. Flags were displayed
everywhere. I liked how the hood of this car matched the angle of
the flag in the background. I used a 4 point star filter to give the
car sparkle."
Vicki created this image with her Canon EOS Rebel 2000 and Sigma
70-300mm Macro lens on Fujicolor 100 film. The original print was
scanned with a Canon CanoScan D66OU and required no manipulation. |
Troubled Lady, Steve Ford " On 9-11, after
spending the day in shock, my wife and I wandered over to Alki
beach. We noticed some people around the Statue of Liberty replica
and found this impromptu memorial."
"The flag belongs to an ex- Congressional aide and once flew
over the US Capitol Dome. I had to stand in the middle of the street
to capture the Frigate that was dispatched to protect Seattle from
terrorist threats."
Steve captured this image with his Nikon F5, 80-400VR and Kodak
Elite Chrome Xtra Color. The slide was scanned on an LS2000. There
was no manipulation. |
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