Self Assignment
What are Self
Assignments and Why Do Them?
We all tend to get in creative ruts sometimes.
We start assuming too much about what we can and can't photograph, and
about the limits of our equipment, our film, and ourselves. These
assignments (hopefully) take you out of your comfort zone and get you
photographing things you might not normally shoot.
The only way to really learn is to do, and the
more film you put through your camera the better you'll get. Plus
you get the chance to win a bunch of film. This months winners
will get 20 rolls of the Professional film of their choice courtesy of
FujiFilm Professional.
This Month - Athletes
us your best athletic photo. It can be a great tight shot of your
ten year old's eyes peering out of his helmet as he runs with the
football, that thumping action photo you snapped at the Rangers game, the
quiet intensity of an athlete watching the game from the sidelines, or an
image that shows the subtle grace of a dancer. Color images at any
focal length can be submitted and the athletes can be any age.
Film Types
Color or black and white, Negative, Slide, or digital are all
Lens Types (35mm format used as a reference)
Any lens.
Each month we pick several photos from the previous month's contest that
we think are worthy of publication. Photos should be submitted by email
in JPEG format, and should be no larger than 1400x1400 pixels, 24 bit
color (1.4MB). Overly large images will not be reviewed. Panoramic
images may exceed 700 pixels in one direction but should not exceed
1.4MB in total file size. Photos should be submitted no later than one
week before publication of the next issue (listed on the front page).
Submission of a photo will be considered a defacto release for
Please include the following in
your email:
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Vivid Light
Photography by email