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Film Cross Reference
by Chuck McKern

Every month I get questions concerning what films to shoot, what films are fine grained, what films are good for portraits, etc.?  So I put together these charts for consumer and professional films that compare their basic attributes.  

Why can't I just say X is the best film for landscapes?  Because everyone's taste is different.  Some people consider Astia to be a Saturated film, others Velvia.  Everyone's taste differs.  But you can use these charts as a jumping off point for experimentation.  Good shooting!

Kodak Consumer Films Fuji Consumer Films
Kodak Professional Films Fuji Professional Films

 Consumer Films 

Brand Name Des ISO/DIN Type Formats Color Balance Grain Sharpness Notes
Kodak Gold GA 100/21 Color Neg 35mm Daylight Very Fine Very High excellent for stills in bright light
Gold GB 200/24 Color Neg 35mm Daylight Very Fine Very High similar to Gold 100 with more sensitivity for varying light conditions
Gold Max GC 400/27 Color Neg 35mm Daylight Fine High great combination of brilliant color saturation and accurate color reproduction
Gold Max GT 800/30 Color Neg 35mm Daylight Fine High produces consistently bright, vibrant colors in a variety of light conditions
Royal Gold RA 100/21 Color Neg 35mm Daylight Micro Fine Extremely High Recently discontinued- very rich color and fine detail. For bright light.
Royal Gold RB 200/24 Color Neg 35mm Daylight Very Fine Extremely High Rich color and fine detail, great for varying light conditions and hazy sun.
Royal Gold RC 400/27 Color Neg 35mm Daylight Very Fine Very High great for bight-cloudy, indoor, low-light
Royal Gold RF 1000/31 Color Neg 35mm Daylight Moderate High low-light, indoor, fast action
Advantix APS100 100/21 Color Neg APS Daylight Very Fine Very High excellent for stills in bright light
Advantix APS200 200/24 Color Neg APS Daylight Very Fine Very High multi-purpose. Good indoors and out, varying light
Advantix APS400 400/27 Color Neg APS Daylight Fine High low-light and action, extended flash range
Black &White + BWC 400/27 B&W Neg 35mm Panchromatic Very Fine Very High C-41 process black & white. wide exposure latitude. Versatile all around use.
Advantix B&W   400/27 B&W Neg APS Panchromatic Fine High C-41 process black & white. Versatile all around use.
EliteChrome 100 EB 100/21 Color Slide 35mm Daylight Extremely Fine Extremely High Rich vibrant color with pleasing flesh tones.
EliteChrome Extra Color EBX 100/21 Color Slide 35mm Daylight Extremely Fine Extremely High especially designed for nature and scenic photography with bold dramatic colors
EliteChrome 200 ED 200/24 Color Slide 35mm Daylight Extremely Fine Extremely High enhanced color with natural skin tones
 EliteChrome 400 EL 400/27 Color Slide 35mm Daylight Fine High rich, vibrant color in dim light
EliteChrome 160T ET 160/23 Color Slide 35mm Tungsten Very Fine High well-suited for interiors illuminated with tungsten lights. Reproduction of artwork or photographs
Kodachrome 25 KM 25 Color Slide 35mm Daylight Extremely Fine Extremely High exceptional results close-up and in still-life applications
Kodachrome 64 KR 64/19 Color Slide 35mm Daylight Extremely Fine Extremely High excellent general use- outdoor, travel and nature
Kodachrome 200 KL 200/24 Color Slide 35mm Daylight Fine Extremely High well suited for low light and action shots
Plus-x Pan (see pro films) PX              
Tri-x Pan (see pro films) TX              
Fuji Superia 100 CN 100/21 Color Neg 35mm,120 Daylight Very Fine Very High vivid color and natural skin tones. Bright light
Superia 200 CA 200/24 Color Neg 35mm,110 Daylight Very Fine Very High vivid color and natural skin tones. hazy sun and varying light conditions
Superia X-tra 400 CH 400/27 Color Neg 35mm,120 Daylight Fine High natural skin tone. Low light and actions topping, extended flash range
Superia 1600 CU 1600/23 Color Neg 35mm Daylight Fine High especially designed for low light scenes and action stopping.
Superia X-tra 800 CZ 800/30 Color Neg 35mm Daylight Fine High well suited for outdoor, flash, low-light and action photography.
Superia Reala CS 100/21 Color Neg 35mm,120,220 Daylight Extremely Fine Extremely High especially designed for big enlargements, natural color reproduction
Nexia 100 DN 100/21 Color Neg APS Daylight Very Fine Very High natural and vivid color reproduction, very good for portraits and flowers
Nexia 200 DA 200/24 Color Neg APS Daylight Very Fine Very High general use, excellent color reproduction
Nexia 400 DH 400/27 Color Neg APS Daylight Fine High can be used under normal and low light. stop action and extended flash range.
Sensia II 100 RA 100/21 Color Slide 35mm Daylight Extremely Fine Very High beautiful skin tone, natural color reproduction, excellent for general use
Sensia II 200 RM 200/24 Color Slide 35mm Daylight Very Fine Very High brilliant color reproduction, well suited for indoor and outdoor applications
Sensia II 400 RH 400/27 Color Slide 35mm Daylight Very Fine High brilliant color reproduction, well suited for low light and action

Professional Films 

Brand Name Designation ISO/DIN Type Formats Color Balance Grain Sharpness Storage (deg F) Notes
Kodak Portra 100T 100T 100/21 Color Neg 135,120,4x5,8x10 Tungsten Extremely Fine Very High 70 or lower outstanding color accuracy under tungsten light.long exposure has minimal effect to color balance. Can be used for advertising, archetecture, commercial, industrial, and reproduction of artwork.
Portra 160 NC 160NC 160/23 Color Neg 135,120,220,4x5 Daylight Extremely Fine Very High 70 or lower natural color, smooth natural flesh tones
Portra 160 VC 160VC 160/23 Color Neg 135,120,220,,4x5 Daylight Extremely Fine Very High 70 or lower vivid color, rich enhanced colors
Portra 400 NC 400NC 400/27 Color Neg 135,120,220,4x5 Daylight Very Fine Very High 70 or lower natural color, smooth natural flesh tones in low light or with on camera flash
Portra 400 VC 400VC 400/27 Color Neg 135,120,220,4x5 Daylight Very Fine Very High 70 or lower vivid colors, enhanced colors in low light or with on camera flash
Portra 800 800 800/30 Color Neg 135,120,220, Daylight Fine High 70 or lower highest film speed with neutral flash tone, tight grain, medium color saturation
Supra 100 SUPRA100 100/21 Color Neg 135 Daylight Extremely Fine Very High 70 or lower excellent for fashion, landscape, nature,product,lifestyle and medical photography
Supra 400 SUPRA400 400/27 Color Neg 135 Daylight Fine High 70 or lower fashion, wildlife, sports,news,lifestyle and product photography. Can be pushed one stop
Supra 800 SUPRA800 800/30 Color Neg 135 Daylight Fine High 70 or lower sports action, news, runway fashion, can be pushed two stops
Plus-x Pan/ Professional PX/PXP 125/22 B&W Neg 135,120,220,4x5,5x7,8x10 Panchromatic Extremely Fine Very High 75 or lower wide exposure latitude, has retouching surface on emulsion side
Portra 400BW Portra400BW 400/27 B&W Neg 135,120,220 Panchromatic Extremely Fine Very High 70 or lower process C-41. excellent for portrait, wedding, commercial photography. Wide exposure latitude
T400CN T400CN 400/27 B&W Neg 135,120,220,4x5 Panchromatic Extremely Fine Very High 70 or lower process C-41. Good for most photographic applications. Wide exposure latitude. Can be pushed to EI 3200
Technical Pan TP 16-320/26 based on application B&W Neg 135,120,4x5,8x10 Panchromatic MicroFine Extremely High 75 or lower unusually versatile and suitable for many applications. Finest grain black and white pictorial. Recommend Technidol Developer
T-Max 100 TMX 100/21 B&W Neg 135,120,4x5,5x7,8x10,11x14 Panchromatic Extremely Fine Extremely High 75 or lower General indoor and outdoor photography. Especially useful for detailed subjects with maximum image quality. Can be developed into slide with Direct Positive Developing kit
T-Max 400 TMY 400/27 B&W Neg 135,120,4x5,5x7,8x10, Panchromatic Extremely Fine Very High 75 or lower especially useful with dim lighted subjects or fast action or extending flash distance
T-Max P3200 TMZ 400/27-25,000/45 based on application B&W Neg 135 Panchromatic Varies Varies 75 or lower multi-speed. finer grain than other fast black and white film. Dim light without flash. Hand holding telephoto lenses with fast action, indoor/night sports, available light, and surveillance applications.
Tri-x Pan/ Professional TX/TXP 320/26 B&W Neg 135,120,220,4x5,5x7,8x10 Panchromatic Fine High 75 or lower wide exposure latitude, retouching surfaces on emulsion and base side
Verichrome Pan VP 125/22 B&W Neg 120 Panchromatic Extremely Fine Very High 75 or lower Wide exposure latitude, similar to Plus-x but without retouching surfaces
Kodachrome 64 Professional PKR 64/19 Color Slide 135 Daylight Extremely Fine Extremely High 55 or lower advertising, medical, editorial, travel, and nature photography
Ektachrome 100 Plus EPP 100/21 Color Slide 135,120,220,4x5,8x10 Daylight Extremely Fine Extremely High 55 or lower high color saturation and dependable neutrals combined with pleasing skin, advertising and industrial work
Ektachrome 64 EPR 64/19 Color Slide 135,120,220,4x5,8x10 Daylight Very Fine Very High 55 or lower rich neutral color, soft highlight contrast, ideal for food, fashion and product
Ektachrome 64T EPY 64/19 Color Slide 135,120,4x5,5x7,8x10 Tungsten Very Fine Very High 55 or lower excellent color reproduction, for products, interiors, titles and artwork
Ektachrome 100 Professional EPN 100/21 Color Slide 135,120,220,4x5,8x10 Daylight Very Fine Very High 55 or lower natural color rendition, designed to meet the demands of commercial photographers
Ektachrome E100VS E100VS 100/21 Color Slide 135,120,220,4x5,8x10 Daylight Very Fine Very High 55 or lower vivid saturated color while maintaining neutral gray scale
Ektachrome E100S E100S 100/21 Color Slide 135,120,220,4X5,8X10 Daylight Extremely Fine Very High 55 or lower excellent neutral color rendition and natural skin tone, enhanced color saturation, advertising, product, fashion, industrial and nature. Can be pushed two stops
Ektachrome E100SW E100SW 100/21 Color Slide 135,120,220,4x5,8x10 Daylight Extremely Fine Very High 55 or lower warm saturated colors well suited for locations with unpredictable cool or overcast lighting conditions. Editorial, sports, travel, advertising, industrial. Can be pushed two stops
Ektachrome E200 E200 200/24 Color Slide 135,120,220 Daylight Extremely Fine Very High 55 or lower moderate contrast, excellent color, outstanding push performance to EI 1000
Ektachrome 400x EPL 400/27 Color Slide 135,120 Daylight Fine High 55 or lower warm color balance with bright bold saturated colors,photojournalism or general outdoor photography under variable or low light
Ektachrome 320T EPJ 320/26 Color Slide 135 Tungsten Fine High 55 or lower motion picture or television stills, fashion, glamour, editorial, and theatre. Features bold saturated colors.
Ektachrome P1600 EPH 1600/33 Color Slide 135 Daylight Fine High 55 or lower for low light level photography, action or sports, photojournalism. feature bold saturated colors.
Fuji 64 T Type II RTPII 64/19 Color Slide 135,120,4x5,5x7, 8x10,11x14 Tungsten Extremely Fine Very High 59 or lower high saturation, faithful color reproduction. Suited for product, interior, and reproductions of illustrations and paintings
Astia 100 RAP 100/21 Color Slide 135,120,220,4x5,8x10,11x14 Daylight Ultra Fine Extremely High 59 or lower beautiful skin tones, natural color reproduction, smooth textures. Well suited for fashion.
Provia 100F RDPIII 100/21 Color Slide 135,120,220,4x5,8x10,11x14 Daylight Super Fine Extremely High 59 or lower ideal for a wide range of subject matters from product and outdoor to fashion and portraiture
Provia 400 RHP 400/27 Color Slide 135,120 Daylight Fine High 59 or lower ideal for freezing fast action, stage shows, indoor/evening situations
Velvia RVP 50/18 Color Slide 135,120,220,4x5,5x7,8x10,11x14 Daylight Extremely Fine Extremely High 59 or lower Designed for fashion, product, art, landscape, and scientific; when precise rendering and enhanced color are important
NPS 160 NPS 160/23 Color Neg 135,120,220,4x5,8x10 Daylight Extremely Fine High 50 or lower smooth natural rendition of skin tones, accurate realistic color reproduction
NPL 160 NPL 160/23 Color Neg 120,4x5,8x10 Tungsten Extremely Fine High 50 or lower smooth natural rendition of skin tones, accurate realistic color reproduction
NPH 400 NPH 400/27 Color Neg 135,120,220 Daylight Extremely Fine High 50 or lower designed for portrait/wedding photography and other commercial applications. Optimized skin tone reproduction
NHG II 800 NHG II 800/30 Color Neg 135,120,220 Daylight Fine High 50 or lower indoor/outdoor portrait and wedding photography. Natural skin tones and excellent color saturation
Press 400 CH 400/27 Color Neg 135 Daylight Fine High   faithful color reproduction, natural skin tones, excellent gray scale, unexcelled fluorescent light suitability
Press 800 CZ 800/30 Color Neg 135 Daylight Fine High   faithful color reproduction, natural skin tones, excellent gray scale, unexcelled fluorescent light suitability
Press 1600 CU 1600/33 Color Neg 135 Daylight Fine High   faithful color reproduction, natural skin tones, excellent gray scale, unexcelled fluorescent light suitability
Neopan 400 Neopan 400 400/27 B&W Neg 135,120 Panchromatic Fine High   general applications but specifically suited for low light or action and news photography. Push/pull processing from EI 200 to EI 3200
Neopan 1600 Neopan 1600 1600/33 B&W Neg 135 Panchromatic Fine High   action stopping photography, stage, night or indoor work in low light levels. Push/pull processing from EI 400 to EI 3200


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