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Home Photography: Inspiration on your doorstep By Andrew Sanderson
ISBN: 0817439897 
Paperback, 128pp

Sometimes we forget that just how many subjects we can find in our own backyard. Andrew Sanderson does a good job of reminding us. The book is divided into fifteen bite sized sections that consist of a bit of text followed by full page images. Some sections, such as the one on shooting people, are further divided into subsections. But more important than the organization of the book are the ideas - both the ones Sanderson includes in the book and the ones you'll come up while thumbing through.

Some books are wonderful coffee table tomes that showcase the work of others. What's unique about this book is that it will fire up the creative juices and inspire you to take better, and different photos. That makes it a rare book indeed.

It is equally good fodder for both beginners and advanced photographers.

Photo Art: In-Camera, Darkroom, Digital, 
Mixed Media

By Tony Worobiec & Ray Spence 
ISBN: 0817453725 
Paperback 160pp

Have you gotten a bit bored with "normal" photography? Do you have a yen to do something more creative, more artistic?

If so then check out this book. Like the other book reviewed here this month, Photo Art is about ideas. Everything is up for grabs with these guys; from darkroom to digital to pinhole cameras they explore ways to push, prod, and shape images into something completely different from where they started. 

Spend time with this book and you'll either go running back to what you know or you'll start looking at some unusual things as part of the photographic process. You just might be surprised at what these guys can do with Vaseline, plastic sheets, and a Barbie doll !

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