Self Assignment
What are Self Assignments and Why Do Them? We all tend to get in creative ruts sometimes. We start assuming too much about what we can and can't photograph, and about the limits of our equipment, our film, and ourselves. These assignments (hopefully) take you out of your comfort zone and get you photographing things you might not normally shoot. The only way to really learn is to do, and the more film you put through your camera the better you'll get. Plus you get the chance to win a bunch of film. This months winner will get 20 rolls of the Professional film of their choice courtesy of FujiFilm Professional. This Month: Eats - Roadside America American culture is deeply rooted in cars and travel. The road trip has taken on mythic proportions in books, movies, and song. So it's no wonder that an entire subculture has grown up in America around roadside food as everyone from Colonel Sanders to your chubby uncle Ralph has tried to figure out how to extract dollars from that passing tide of cars. This month's self-assignment is to capture a bit of that roadside culture. Its a couple of old boys holding court at a table in a diner, the waitress pouring coffee behind the counter, a slice of apple pie sitting next to that coffee, the car hop on roller skates, and it's the wild things that people put on the roadside to pull people in. Use your imagination! There's so much out there that it's been suggested we run this contest for more than one month! There are no restrictions on lens, camera, color or black and white. The only restriction is on digital manipulation. We're not looking for pictures of Elvis digitally grafted into a modern diner. All submissions should be as shot. The only digital manipulations should be the things you'd normally do before printing such as minor adjustments to sharpness, contrast, tone, etc. Deadline Film Types Lens Types (35mm format used as a reference) Rules By entering the contest you are giving us permission to publish the your photo in the magazine, our back issues section, and any reprints of back issues. Please include the following in your email: