Technique The Leica M6 System - Ever wondered how Leica can charge more for a simple 35mm rangefinder than other manufacturers charge for and SLR? Or why so many are so fanatically devoted to this camera? We take a look at the venerable M6. How to choose a mail order vendor - Mail order prices look great and most mail order vendors now have Web sites that can promise even greater discounts. But then we've all heard horror stories. We show you what to look for in a mail order vendor so you get exactly what you ordered at the price you expected. Close-up Gear - Moose explains how to use extension tubes, close-up filters, and reversing rings to take your macro photography to the next level. New Team Member! Bill Hartley - joins Vivid Light to give us tips on family photography and on underwater photography. Digital Darkroom Curves and Levels Part II - Gary delves deeper in to the subject of curves and levels and shows you how to take control of your images. Raw vs. Cooked - We're not talking about sushi! Many digital cameras give you a choice of capturing in JPEG, TIFF or raw formats. There are compelling reasons to use raw - and some serious drawbacks as well. Plus