The advertising debate heats up ! I can understand people not liking pop-up ads. I don't like them either. But this guy Al Kressler accusing you guys of being greedy because you take advertising, what planet does he live on? I defy that horse's ass to open any magazine and NOT find advertising. I'm just glad you guys are doing what you're doing. f8Mike I can settle the pop-up issue real fast. Have two versions of the magazine - with and without advertising. Charge a $25 annual fee for the one without any ads and make the one with ads free. Then everybody has a choice and nobody can complain about ads. Wanna bet you don't get many people signing up for the $25 version? Don Gaines Their complaints on your advertising reminds me of the bumper stickers I see on farmers trucks "...don't complain about the farmer with your mouth full of food." How could anyone complain about your publication when it's FREE? I personally read every issue from beginning to end and have nothing but complimentary words for your publications, irrespective of how you finance it! Sam Senter F--- 'em! I've never seen a magazine or a Web site without advertising. And that A-- h--- who called you guys greedy! I guess you're supposed to work for free and buy all that equipment out of your own pocket. You guys are doing a great job, don't get sidetracked by idiots. God knows there's no shortage on the Internet. Speakin' my mind, Thank you, thank you, thank you - for removing the pop-up ads! The December issue was your best yet. I especially enjoyed the article on "levels" on digital photos, by Gary Stanley. Don Ferrario Thanks for making the decision to pull the pop-up ads from your site. Your responses and your reasons for initially taking the ads and for finally pulling them were enlightening. One has only to look at how many content sites have closed their doors in the last year to understand the pressures you're facing. In the long run you've made the right decision. I only hope that advertisers wake up to the concept that pop up ads are damaging the Web before they do further damage. I hope that you'll be able to continue publishing Vivid Light Photography and that you won't succumb to the current downturn in the fortunes of the Web. Andrea Advertising Part II - Misinformed What a shame you guys are linked with Double Click...your on-line magazine by email looks awesome, but unfortunately, Double Click's cookies WILL report personal information from your hard drive back to its advertisers. In other words, you say that you won't sell my email address or use it for spam, but you're affiliated with Double Click, who DOES! Tom Anderson Sorry Tom, but you've got your facts wrong. Since you sent us 10 copies of this email (with no return address) I'll assume this is an important issue to you. We do address this issue in our privacy statement and give all of our readers the chance to opt out of DoubleClick's tracking system (the privacy statement is available at the bottom of the cover page of every issue). DoubleClick's ad server assigns a random number to your machine and stores it in a file called a cookie. It uses that number to record how many times you've seen ads and what ads you've seen. When you visit the site of an advertiser and buy something they can get an idea of what ads you've seen and how many times you've seen them. Then advertisers have some hard data on what ads are working and what ads aren't working. This data has also helped provide the hard data that the Web works well as a branding media. Data that will help sites like ours sell ads and survive. DoubleClick cookies don't record your email address and they don't search your hard drive for personal information. Their only purpose is to gather statistical data on how many ads people are seeing, and on what's working. Again, you have the option of not participating if you choose. At one time there was talk in advertising circles about expanding the role of cookies for more "personalized" advertising. But the public response to this invasive idea was so loud that even the dumbest ad agencies got the message. Russian problems What's going on with your Russian translator? I tried it when the issue first came out then it stopped working. What's up? Dave Evidently the translation site we were using went down mid-month and hasn't come back up. We've substituted a different Russian translator this month. Understanding Curves Gary Stanley's article on Understanding Curves and Levels was what I have needed for a long time!! Although I have used Curves and Levels in the past, I wasn't sure what I was doing. Yet, Gary could have included even more detail. Don't be afraid of some real detail; we can handle it. Maybe several articles on the subject, each with detail, would be great. As a start on the subject, the article was great. I've been in the serious amateur mode for awhile now, so generalities are not what I'm looking for. I need more detail and this article was a great start. Evan Haynes Evan's been peeking at our editorial schedule! Check out Gary's follow-up article in next month's issue. What the heck is :^) ? I read your magazine from cover to cover every month. I love the articles but I like the feedback section the best. My only question is what the heck do :^) ;^) and :) mean? I hope this isn't a dumb question and I'm missing something obvious. Thanks, Nah, not a dumb question at all. The technical term for them is emoticons, but most people just call them smiley faces. Back when email was text only they were a way to indicate that something was a joke (to prevent sarcasm from being taken seriously). If you turn your head to the left and look at them sideways they kind of look like smiley faces. :^) :) and :-) are smiley's and ;^) is supposed to look like it's winking - indicating sarcasm. Folks that have been around the Net a while use them as shorthand without even thinking about it - assuming that others know what they mean. Bigger Fonts Great newsletter... Really appreciate it. Only item on my wish list is larger font size in the articles. Tom O'Connell You can change the default font size in your browsers "options" menu. Our site uses the default font for most things - so the layout won't be badly effected by a change in font size. The magic of the season I had to send you a quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed your December article, 'Tis The Season! Not only was the piece informative, but written with such an enthusiastic detailed description of the area where you made me want to pack up all my camera gear and head to your house for the holidays!!! Georgia offers beautiful seasons all year long, but you can sure bet that we don't see winter the same way you do!! I had to share my little bit of envy for you and your family!! Happy Holidays! I really enjoyed Moose's article this month. I'm sure glad he's so enthusiastic about living in the great white north. I got a chill just reading it. I'm sure there are a lot of great photo ops in his neck of the woods but I'll stick with the winters in Southern California! Have a Merry Christmas Kind words Just wanted to wish you a Happy Holiday season and may the New Year bring to you and your family members Happiness ... Health and prosperity. May the quality of light always be with you. Keep up the great work!!!!! Thanks Gary. Hopefully all of our readers had a happy and relaxing holiday season.
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